Saturday, October 20, 2012

Representatives of the Armenian and Turkish civil society to come ...

On October 22-23, 2012, more than 50 representatives of the Armenian and Turkish civil society and expert communities will come together at a conference in Istanbul to discuss the role of non-state actors in promoting Armenia-Turkey relations.

The conference is organized as part of the ?Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement? (SATR) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Yerevan Press Club, International Center for Human Development, and Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia. Key Turkish partners for the project include the Global Political Trends Center, the Turkish-Armenian the Business Development Council, Anadolu K?lt?r, the GAYA Research Institute, the Media and Communications Department of Izmir University of Economics, Toplum G?n?ll?leri Vakfi, the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation, and the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey.

The conference will summarize the outputs, achievements, and lessons learned during the two years of the Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement Project implementation, as well as present an opportunity to discuss strategies for the road ahead for non-state actors in promoting Armenia-Turkey relations.

USAID and its partner organizations support Armenia-Turkey rapprochement by facilitating engagement between civil society groups, establishment and development of business partnerships and regional professional networks, and enhanced understanding between the people, for peace and economic integration in the region.



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