Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Earl R. Sage | Morrow County Sentinel.com

Earl Richard Sage, a Card?ing?ton native and a res?i?dent of Greens?boro, North Car?olina, died Octo?ber 10,?2012.

He was born in Card?ing?ton on Feb?ru?ary 19, 1926 to the late Wal?ter J. And Inez Caris Sage. He was a 1944 grad?u?ate of Card?ing?ton High School and was inducted into the school?s Alumni Hall of Fame in 2010. He was a grad?u?ate of The Ohio State Uni?ver?sity in 1949 with a BSc in Busi?ness Admin?is?tra?tion, cum laude and was a mem?ber of Sigma Nu Fra?ter?nity, Beta Gamma Sigma Hon?orary. He received an MBA in 1960 from Har?vard Busi?ness School with a Sarnoff Fel?low?ship in 1963.. He joined the Ohio State Uni?ver?sity Research Foun?da?tion work?ing in the Ohio State Col?lege of Busi?ness with the Air Force Insti?tute of Tech?nol?ogy and Depart?ment of Defense. He received the PH.D from Ohio State in 1973 and joined the fac?ulty of the Uni?ver?sity of North Car?olina at Char?lotte in 1973 teach?ing strate?gic plan?ning, strate?gic man?age?ment of tech?nol?ogy, and inter?na?tional busi?ness in the MBA pro?gram. He retired from UNCC in?1996.

Ear?lier Dr. Sage worked for the Hydraulic Press Mfg Com?pany, Ohio North?ern Con?sol?i?dated Air?lines, Fair?banks, Alaska and the Radio Corp of Amer?ica in sev?eral locations.

He was a U S Navy vet?eran of World War II hav?ing served in the Pacific.

Dr. Sage was a faith?ful mem?ber of Sharon United Methodist Church in Char?lotte and West?min?ster Pres?by?ter?ian Church and Gate?way Sun?day School Class in Greensboro.

Dr. Sage was a mem?ber of Har?vard Rad?cliffe Club in Greens?boro, the Har?vard Club of Research Tri?an?gle and the Hard Rock Cof?fee?Club.

He is sur?vived by his wife of 54?years, Dorotha Duf?ford Sage, son Bradley (Jenny)Sage, daugh?ter Anna Sage, both of Char?lotte; daugh?ter Audrey (Low?ell) Sage Hois?ing?ton and two pre?cious grand?daugh?ters Han?nah Grace and Miranda Jane Hois?ing?ton of Greens?boro. He is also sur?vived by his sis?ter, Thelma (Howard) Mar?got of Michi?gan and five nieces. He was pre?de?ceased by his brother, Myron Sage and two nephews, James and Michael Sage.

The fam?ily expresses their appre?ci?a?tion for the kind?ness and care given by Dr. Gary Sher?rill, Dr. Kristy Richards, Lisa Thomas and the Treat?ment Cen?ter nurses.

Memo?ri?als may be made to West?min?ster Pres?by?ter?ian Church. A memo?r?ial ser?vice was held Sat?ur?day, Octo?ber 13, 2012 at 2?pm in the West?min?ster Pres?by?ter?ian Church Chapel. Con?do?lences may be sent at www.news-record.com obituaries.

Source: http://morrowcountysentinel.com/2012/10/earl-r-sage/

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