Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Importance of Exercise for Cancer Patients and Survivors ...

This weeks post is the first guest post on my blog. It is brilliantly written by David Haas which you could call an advocate for cancer patients in the world of blogging. I highly?recommend?that your check out one of his blogs.

The Importance of Exercise for Cancer Patients and Survivors

Despite the advice physicians gave cancer patients in the past of making sure patient?s are relaxing and resting during recovery, new data recommends moderate exercise instead of inactivity. Based on a report released by a British Cancer charity, cancer patients and survivors should exercise on a regular basis to?regain health and minimize treatment side effects. The published report, ?Move More?, was written in response to a review of 60 studies about exercise and its impact on cancer patients.

Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Patients and Survivors:
A panel of cancer and exercise experts convened to establish a set of exercise guidelines for cancer patients. Counter to what many people may assume, evidence shows that exercise for cancer patients and survivors does not increase fatigue. Panel suggestions included advice to design an exercise regimen specific to the needs of the patient. For example, strength-training exercises are often suggested for patients who are dealing with reduced muscle mass as the result of surgery or other cancer-related side effects.

For people who are not in the middle of treatment and can manage it, 150 hours of exercise per week is recommended. Even moderate?exercise shows positive results. Gardening and taking a brisk walk or a swim are all acceptable ways to gain the benefits of physical activity. In cases where a patient is sick or to weak from chemotherapy or radiation treatments, it is understandable that waiting a few days to exercise makes sense. However, The American Cancer Society strongly suggests consulting an oncologist before embarking on an exercise program. For people already exercising regularly, working in more intense routines on some days is advisable.

For cancer patients, the main benefit of exercising is that it improves one?s quality of life. By reducing fatigue and improving overall physical health, exercise potentially could offer people a faster recovery. In addition to speeding a cancer patient?s return to normalcy, exercise could also positively impact heart health and reduce the chance that cancer will comeback.

Concrete evidence supports the fact that regular exercise is a prescription for increased health for everyone, including people undergoing?mesothelioma treatment or any type of cancer. Reversing decades of advice from physicians in the past who advised cancer patients to ?take it easy? for awhile as they endure cancer treatment. Cancer patients are being strongly encouraged to embrace moderate exercise, increasing to more strenuous regimens as a patients strength increases.

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